SARS-CoV-2 mutation rate remains low. Across Europe and
Italy, the most widespread is strain G, while the L
strain from Wuhan is gradually disappearing. These
mutations, however, do not impinge on the process of
developing effective vaccines. The virus causing the
COVID-19 pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, presents at least six
strains. Despite its mutations, the virus shows little
variability, and this is good news for the researchers
working on a viable vaccine. These are the results of
the most extensive study ever carried out on SARS-CoV-2
sequencing. Researcher’s analysis of 48,635 coronavirus
genomes, which were isolated by researchers in labs all
over the world. The first results are encouraging. The
coronavirus presents little variability, approximately
seven mutations per sample. Common influenza has a
variability rate that is more than double. Researcher
said that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is presumably
already optimized to affect human beings, and this
explains its low evolutionary change & this means that
the treatments we are developing, including a vaccine,
might be effective against all the virus strains.
Currently, there are six strains of coronavirus. The
original one is the L strain that appeared in Wuhan in
December 2019. Its first mutation the S strain appeared
at the beginning of 2020, while, since mid-January 2020,
we have had strains V and G. To date strain G is the
most widespread: it mutated into strains GR and GH at
the end of February 2020. Strain G and its related
strains GR and GH are by far the most widespread,
representing 74% of all gene sequences. Globally,
strains G, GH and GR are constantly increasing. Strain S
can be found in some restricted areas in the US and
Spain. The L and V strains are gradually disappearing.
Besides these six main coronavirus strains, researchers
identified some infrequent mutations that, at the
moment, are not worrying but should nevertheless be
monitored. |